1. Converting voice message to a text signal
2. Fingerprint based ignition and door lock
3. Automated Parking System
4. Voice recorder using ADC and microcontroller
5. Solar Speedway
6. Auto Calling Mobile
7. railway station display
8. lecture threatre/hall monitor system
10. Pc controlled vehicle
11. Embedded sensor networks
12. Biometric attendance
13. Design for an automated door locks(smart key less entry)
14. Global Positioning of Robot Manipulators
15. on chip LDO with adaptive control
16. gps navigation system
17. Microcontroller application
18. GPS based road traffic monitoring system
19. Infrared Head phone
20. fire alarm systems
21. Micro controller Based Automobile Monitoring system
22. an alarm raising detector for an encroaching intruder
23. telephone record control
24. atm design using vhdl
25. pic16f877 interfaced to max sonar ez1 sensor
26. prepaid energy meter
27. Circuit Encoder ARC M3EA from Artech for RF Remote Control
28. mobile theives
29. Automation of Telephone Exchange
30. bluetooth